• Yes, you may wear mascara with your lashes as long as the following are adhered to:

    • You wear a mineral, water soluble mascara

    • You wash it off using a cleanser that it oil free, glycol free and glycerin free

    • You wash your lashes thoroughly prior to attending an appointment for a refill

    Just Lashes stock the correct products that we have approved as safe to use with your lash extensions.

    Please note that wearing mascara with your Russian Volume extensions, may close up your fans!

  • While all our Lash Specialists are highly trained the same way, some of our Specialists are faster than others. It also depends on which set of lashes youre getting and for refills, how long it has been between refills. To give you a guideline, we allow 1 hour for a Classic Set and 30 minutes for a 2 week refill, but some Lash Specialists may need a little more time and others will be a little faster. If you're on a time budget, please check with us at the time of booking.

  • We provide after care cards that teach you how to care for, maintain and prolong your lashes after they are applied, so you can apply our professional care standards in your own home. Make sure you take one of our Aftercare cards and follow the advice to ensure the longevity and comfort of your lash extensions.

    First-timers we encourage to come back in 2 weeks to get your refills as you are on your 'L' plates so potentially lose more than you normally would.

    You need to make sure you use the right After Care Products as regular chemical based Mascaras and some Cleansers can spoil your lovely lashes. We have sourced a specialist range of After Care products to help you achieve a longer lasting result without having to go hunting for the safest options...we have them here.

    NOTE! Most clients are so happy with their new look; their new lashes defy the need for mascara! Just Lashes eyelash extensions can mean freedom from the streaking, smudging or feathering that your chemical mascaras in the past may be responsible for- yet another perk of booking your appointment with the Just Lashes team!

  • Lash extensions will not damage your natural lashes, when applied correctly. This is why it is very important to choose a highly trained and skilled lash technician who understands how to protect the health of your natural lashes.

    To ensure there is no damage, the following key areas must be followed:

    • The precision of the technique itself; and

    • The appropriate size and thickness of the extension chosen; and

    • Correct aftercare of the lashes

    Clumping of the lash extensions is an application error, where by several natural lashes are stuck together. It can also present as several lash extensions stuck together. To ensure no damage, each extension must be applied absolutely isolated from any other lashes.

    Long and thick extensions are not always best.. and they're not always safe for your natural lash health. Our lash technicians have been properly trained to identify the maximun weight your natural lashes can hold and your eyelash health is always our priority. Sometimes this means that we recommend a look that isnt quite what you're after. Perhaps you wanted a longer length or a different shape. Its important to remember that while we can weave lash magic, we can only work within the foundation of what you bring us. Should you persist with a style that is against our professional opinion, we will do our best at your own risk but in some cases we may need to refuse the service.

    We will teach you how to care for your new lashes when you attend your first appointment. One of the biggest causes of damage to the natural lashes is where the wearer themselves play with, pull at, pick off their extensions. Rubbing your eyes and being careless with them can also cause damage. No matter how great our application and lash type selection is, when you leave our salon it is up to you to ensure you that you follow the aftercare advice.

  • Lash extensions can last in-definitely with regular refills, making it the ultimate eye enhancement!

    Your natural eyelashes have a shedding cycle that last up to about 60 days. The eyelashes that we attached an extension too are usually well and truly half way or more through that cycle. Some eyelashes are ready to shed within hours of an extension being applied. The average person loses around 3-5 eyelashes per day.

    We recommend to return for refills every 2 weeks. Depending on the individuals shedding cycle and biological make up, some clients need to come in sooner and others are able to wait a bit longer but usually no more than 4 weeks.

    Another factor is how well you take care of your new investment. Its imperative to follow our after care advice, which we will go through with you at your appointment.

    If you decide to stop maintaining your lash extensions, you will find that they gradually reduce in volume at a rate of approximately 10 per eye per week until they're all gone.

    Note: It is very normal for the lash extensions to shed at different rates and times, at different places along the lashline and more from one side than the other.

  • When applied correctly, lash extensions do not hurt, cause irritation or discomfort. Actually, you shouldn't even feel like you have anything on!

    The process is completely pain free, with many of our clients falling asleep.

    The lash industry has a reputation for damage and pain from lash extensions. Let us assure you that this is a tell tale sign of poorly applied lashes, usually by the inexperienced or poorly trained.

    Our Specialists go through a rigerous training program, one of the most comprehensive in the world. When it comes to lash extensions we know our business inside and out, we know how to take care of you during your appointment and more importantly, what to do if something goes wrong.

  • While very rare, it is possible to have an allergic reaction to lash extensions. This is due to the mucus membrane of the eye being irritated by the cyanoacrylate adhesive. If this happens to you, you may see puffiness, redness, and feel a strong itch within 24 to 48 hours. As your eyes can swell, the extensions may feel like they dig into the eyelid and they can feel prickly. You may also experience weeping of the eyes such as lubricant secretions which can turn into a clear dry discharge and this can cause the extensions to stick together contributing to the discomfort.

    We recommend seeking advice from a medical professionl such as a doctor or a pharmastist and then return to Just Lashes for a removal. We will not work on swollen irritated eyes, you must let the symptoms settle prior to your removal.

    We welcome a patch test which can be performed at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. It is important to undertsand however that a patch test doesnt guarantee a sensitive free experience. We have had many instances where a person has a patch test with no response and then once they get thier full set of lashes on - they react. It is also very possible tohave been getting lashes regularly for many years and then one day suddenly react. To discuss and book a patch test please contact our Booking Centre on 1300 790 898.

    We also work with other ingredients such as our lash cleanser and lash primer and under eye patches which, while not deemed hazardous can still provoke a reaction to those who are sensitive or suffer allergies to certain ingredients. If you know you suffer allergies or sensitivities and are worried, our best advice is to not proceed with eyelash extensions.

    It is also important to keep your lashes clean and hygienic to avoid irritations developing.

    Allergic reactions are outside of our control and we don't offer a refund if this happens to you. It is important to understand that you are proceeding at your own risk, so please ensure to do your research and ask questions to ensure this is the right treatment for you.

    • It is most important your lashes are clean

    • Please don't use waterproof mascara prior to your appointment time

    • You might want to remove your contact lenses prior to the application unless they can be left in while your eyes are closed

    • Hold off from using your lash curler 72 hours prior to your appointment

    • Those with morning appointments, avoid using moisturiser around your eyes

    • It's best young children are not brought into the salon for safety reasons. Your eyes will be closed and your Lash Specialist will be concentrating on doing your treatment, meaning children will be unsupervised. There are hazards in the salon such as chemcial products and sharp tools, placing children at risk.

    • Ensure to understand the risks and potential side effects of the treatment youre planning to undertake. We are all ears for questions, so please don't hesitate to enquire.

  • Timekeeping is important for us to ensure that you get the treatment you intended. We can't go over time as this will put the next client at a disadvantage so please make sure your arrive 5 - 10 minutes early so you can relax before we start

    Our Lash Specialists are watchfully trained to recognise and understand the unique needs of each client we assist.

    They all do a great job so to keep all our clients happy we might need to change rosters and have you experience different Specialists from time to time.

    Our objective is to help you achieve the look you dream about, and in order to help you do that safely we recommend that you read the information provided here. Once we have established how best to define your features with your lash extensions, your personal technician will begin to weave her magic!

    We take you through our unique GODDESS process to ensure that the outcome that you get is a great result. The GODDESS process enables you to make the right decision so you are elated with your new look having been fully informed and consulted throughout.

  • We don’t quote numbers of lashes for new sets, everyone is dramatically different and until we see your lashes, we have no idea how many we can put on. Being the professionals in the industry, we work more to the look, rather than the number.

    We do quote numbers for refills, this is to ensure that we are providing fair play to all and so that you know what to expect in terms of price. We base our refill numbers around the average expected shed at each week.

  • The Classic set is our most popular style, it is full enough in volume to be a mascara replacement look and great for people who wish to maintain their lashes. We recommend Express for someone wanting to try lashes and they’re not quite sure how they’ll work for them. Most clients end up upgrading to the Classic from the Express. The Advanced Hybird is perfect for those with naturally thick/full lashes and wanting more of a dramatic look, without the fullness of a Russian Volume Set.

  • Classic technique is where we apply one extension fiber to one individual natural eyelash. Russian Volume Technique is where we hand make bouquets or fans with the extension fibres and apply the fan to an individual natural lash. The bouquet is made up on between 2 to 4 very fine extensions. For an extreme look, we can use 5-10 extensions per fan, we do this by dropping the chosen fiber down again to very very fine. You will achieve a thicker fluffier look than with the Classic technique

  • Please see our Salon Policies

  • Late arrivals often impact the Lash Specialists appointments for the remainder of the day and can inconvenience other clients who are time conscious.

    If you're late to your appointment by 5 minutes or less, we should be able to perform your treatment with minimal impact.

    If you're late between 5-10 minutes, we may not be able to complete your entire treatment meaning you will have less lashes applied.

    If you are late by more than 10 minutes, we may need to rebook your service. You may be charged for the late cancelation. Refer to our Salon Policies for more information about late cancelations

    If Just Lashes are running late, we will continue to run late to ensure that you receive the full treatment even if that means we continue to run late.

  • If you can't help but arrive to your appointment with mascara on, please ensure to come 10 minutes early so that you can remove it.

    As soon as you arrive, please let our Lash Specialists know that you need to remove make up and we will provide you with Cleanser and cloth. We also have wash basin facilities that you can utilise if you wish.

    If we commence your treatment and there is still mascara, other make up or residue on your lashes and we need to remove for you, this will use your precious lashing time and may result in less lashes being applied.

    Alternatively, we can add a Lash Shampoo to your treatment, which is $20. This is only available if we do not have a nother client booked in straight after you.

    If neither of these options are available or it has taken more that 30% of your lash appointment time to remove make up (usually due to waterproof mascara), we may need to rebook your treatment. A late cancelation fee may apply, refer to Salon Policies for more information on late cancelations.

  • Yes! One of the benefits of lash extensions is that they are waterproof so you can swim and bath as usual. We just recommend to be careful with them when they are wet as they are a bit fragile until they are dry again.

    For the last decade or so, Lash Specialists all over the globe have been taught to keep the lashes dry for 24 hours following treatment. We have now learned that this is not necessary. Recent research into understanding our adhesives has shown that the adheisve is 90% cured within just minutes of application. The other 10% will not be affected by water. In fact, it is now recommended that we wash the eyes with water straight after application as this will help to remove chemical debree from around the eyes and reduce the risk of irritations.

  • We do charge a higher price than some places for our services, yet sone places charge higher. Pricing for any business depends on many factors and we do acknowledge there are other lash businesses which will meet your price point. While we can’t comment on the places that are cheaper, we can provide some insight into just some of the things that we offer, which we feel gives our prices great value!

    We provide a high quality multi-international-award-winning service and we have been offering our lash services for almost 15 years as a specialist. Our Volume lashes are handmade, not premade. Yes- there is a big difference! We pride ourselves in customer service and invest in the ongoing training, development and career opportunities for our team members. We know everything lashes- we know what to do when things are well, but most importantly we know what to do if things go wrong, which is super important for your safety especially when it comes to your eyes. We offer a guarantee on our workmanship, a great loyalty program making refills more affordable as well as gifts throughout the year. We also work hard to provide a rewarding career for our lash technicians and believe they deserve more than just the minimum wage and conditions. We have contributed to setting the standards in the eyelash industry, both in Australia and overseas, delivered presentations and workshops to lash technicians worldwide. We scoure the world to ensure that you get the very best and safest lash extension products that meet Australian Standards, we even have our own specialist consultant who analyses each product before it gets the Just Lashes stamp of approval. One recent example is the use of Hydroquinone in eyelash glue, which is not permitted for use for this purpose in NSW according to advice we directly recieved from the NSW Department of Health. Compliance with regulations is our priority, we are AICIS registered, covered with Public Liability, Product Insurance and all the Local Council permits (of which to-date, we have always acheived 100% on our inspections!)

    Charging less would require us to skimp on many of these, our aim to provide the very best to you in lash services, we hope you see the value is us too.